Saturday, May 16, 2009

The May/June 2009 issue of D-Lib Magazine ( is now available.

This issue contains six articles, a commentary, one conference report, the 'In Brief' column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items of interest in 'Clips and Pointers'. This month, D-Lib features the Southern Methodist University Digital Collections, courtesy of Cindy Boeke, Southern Methodist University.

The commentary is:

Time Challenges - Challenging Times for Future Information Search
Thomas Mestl, Olga Cerrato, Jon Ølnes, Per Myrseth, and Inger-Mette Gustavsen, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Norway

The articles include:

EScience in Practice: Lessons from the Cornell Web Lab
William Arms, Manuel Calimlim, and Lucia Walle, Cornell University

Towards a Repository-enabled Scholar's Workbench: RepoMMan, REMAP and Hydra
Richard Green, Consultant to the University of Hull; and Chris Awre, University of Hull, United Kingdom

Evaluation of Digital Repository Software at the National Library of Medicine
Jennifer L. Marill and Edward C. Luczak, National Library of Medicine

NeoNote: Suggestions for a Global Shared Scholarly Annotation System
Bradley Hemminger, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

The Fierce Urgency of Now: A Proactive, Pervasive Content Awareness Tool
James E. Powell, Linn Marks Collins, and Mark L.B. Martinez, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Unlocking Audio: Towards an Online Repository of Spoken Word Collections in Flanders
Tom Evens and Laurence Hauttekeete, Ghent University, Belgium

The Conference Report is:

Developer Happiness Days: Takin' it to the Pub
Carol Minton Morris, Cornell University; Ben O'Steen, Oxford University; and David Flanders, University of London

D-Lib Magazine has mirror sites at the following locations:

UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, England

The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen, Goettingen,

Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

BN - National Library of Portugal, Portugal

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